SCOTSMAN® Coach - Business Leaders In Control Workshop

People respect what you inspect – not what you expect

Programme Summary

Aimed primarily at people who drive sales, Business Leaders in Control is a two day workshop addressing how sales operational excellence will drive predictable sales growth.

We demonstrate how this can be achieved by examining and refining key
elements of existing sales leadership and management processes.

Programme Content

Predictability, Reliability and Consistency

Selling Models and Skills

Sales Management Process vs Sales Process Management

Managing the Selling Process

Managing Change

Managing Results through People

Managing by Fact

Sales Operational Excellence

Top 5 Learning Outcomes

  • Confirmation of what it means and how it feels to be in control of the four pillars of sales operational excellence - Business Planning Management, Customer & Market Management, People Management and Performance Management
  • Enhanced change management skills
  • Improved understanding of role of management by fact
  • Best practice inspection tools to track and develop the desired sales outcomes and behaviours
  • Templates for agreeing, documenting and tracking sales people development and performance

How satisfied are you with the predictability, reliability and consistency of Business results?

  • Is your salesforce hit rate on sales too low?
  • Is the salesforce poor at structuring bigger deals?
  • Do they do enough prospecting?
  • Are enough of them making targets?
  • Would you like to give them bigger targets?
  • Do they gain commitments at all points in the sale?
  • Can they gain access after they have submitted their proposals?

If any of these questions are important to you then get in touch.

Get In Touch

If Carlsberg did training courses, they would probably be the second best in the world.

Mike Carter, CEO - Netpremacy